Browse the Spring 2022 Fountas & Pinnell Litearcy™ Look Book for our latest offerings. This NEW look book is loaded with helpful hyperlinks. Hover over text to download samplers, to watch videos and testimonials, or simply to learn more. Scroll through this blog to get a quick glimpse of what is included and then click directly over to the page you want to view in full screen. Want to share a page with your colleagues? Click the share button or download the PDF.
Leading for Literacy: What Every School Leader Needs to Know by Irene C. Fountas and Gay Su Pinnell.
Leading for Literacy: What Every School Leader Needs to Know is an inspiring and practical resource for all school leaders—teacher leaders, literacy coaches, school administrators, and district-level leaders. Filled with useful “look-for” tools for observing literacy teaching and reflecting upon the culture and systems of your school, Leading for Literacy helps school leaders understand key principles of effective literacy teaching and create equitable communities of learning for all students.
FPL Digital Introductory Subscriptions for Leveled Literacy Intervention (LLI), K-5+ and FPC Guided Reading, K-6
Introductory FPL Digital subscriptions offer FPC Guided Reading and Leveled Literacy Intervention (LLI) print customers access to the same components of their beloved collections in a secure, student-facing digital platform.
Joyful Writing in PreK contains 125 lessons (100 writing minilessons + 25 interactive writing lessons) that spark creativity, imagination, and learning. Writing minilessons are brief, focused, explicit lessons that help children understand and expand on the characteristics of effective writing and nurture their ability to write with purpose, imagination and voice. Each minilesson engages children in inquiry that leads to the discovery of a general principle from The Literacy Continuum.
With The Writing Minilessons Book, engage students in inquiry that leads to the discovery and understanding of a general principle they can apply to their learning. Principles are based on the grade level behaviors and understandings in the one-of-a-kind, market-leading Literacy Continuum.